The Zhuhai Park area shall make use of beach land and reclaim land from the sea in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations. 珠海园区利用滩涂和填海造地,要依照有关法律法规规定办理。
In the Dead Sea Scrolls there were instructions on how to prepare locusts according to the Jewish ceremony laws, making it kosher. 在死海书卷里记载有关于如何根据犹太律法制作蝗虫使其清洁的方法。
He said that was in violation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and Chinese laws and regulations but refused to specify which legal requirements had been violated. 他表示,美方此举违反了《联合国海洋法公约》(UnitedNationsConventionontheLawoftheSea)和中国法律法规的相关规定,但他拒绝具体说明违反了哪些法律规定。
The sea is the inexorable social night into which the penal laws fling their condemned. 海,就是冷酷无情的法律抛掷它牺牲品的总渊薮。
The leisure activities on the sea have been developed prosperously when government's policies of marine sports were popularized and, also, the laws of marine were lifted. 在政府政策有计画推广同时配合台湾沿海水域法规松绑之后,海上各项休闲运动蓬勃发展。
Towage contract on sea has a history of more than one hundred of years, but there is serious lack of laws of it. 海上拖航合同已有一百多年的历史,但是各国规范海上拖航合同的法律却相当匮乏。
Salvage at sea is a particular legal system in maritime law, as compared to other laws. 海难救助是海商法中特有的制度,其特殊性是其他法律所无法比拟的。
Amplify the laws and regulations to strictly manage the sea in accordance with the laws; 完善法规体系,严格依法管海;
Its legal foundation is identical with the stipulation of "The Agreement of United Nations Sea Laws". 它的法律基础与《联合国海洋法公约》的规定一致,是在划界谈判没有成功时,有关国家磋商达成的临时性安排。
Many rules and principles of United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea have become customary international laws which are observed by all countries. 《联合国海洋法公约》的许多规则和原则已经成为习惯国际法,为世界各国所遵守。
In light of the problem with the deteriorated ecological environment in the Bohai Sea area and the state policies, laws and regulations, some tentative ideas for integrated regulation of the Bohai Sea environment are suggested. 针对渤海海域生态环境日益恶化的问题,结合国家政策法规,着重对渤海环境的综合整治提出了几点构想。
This research has studied the Bohai sea wave-tide-surge interactions and the laws of substance transport. 本项研究针对典型浅海海域渤海,研究了在这个海域的波浪、潮汐风暴潮的相互作用以及物质输运规律。
The bill of lading, issued under charter party in the carriage of goods by sea, is usually including an incorporation clause in order to incorporate related contents in the charter. The incorporation clause has been approved by many national laws and judicial authority. 在海上货物运输中,租船合同下签发的提单称之为租约提单,其中往往含有一条并入条款以并入租船合同中的相关内容,这一做法已得到了多数国家法律及司法机关认可。